VH-1: The Grammy’s

The Grammy Awards
VH-1, February 1999

Presenter (and roving reporter) for the official VH-1 live coverage of the 1999 Grammy Awards.

Set up by VH-1 as a live (pre-Rotten TV) sink or swim screentest John meets and greets the various “stars” in true Rotten style; terrorising the hapless celebs where necessary (with a smile of course). The likes Bonnie “old pro” Rait have a laugh, but others like “truck loads of make up” Areosmith are less than pleased. Without doubt the highlight has to be when he gives Brian Setzer of the Stray Cats a 1999 calendar to remind him what year it is! Pity VH-1 didn’t show more of the juicier outtakes; the scaredy cats…

John appears in both the ‘Pre-Show’ & ‘Red Carpet Post Show’ segments. All improvised, and off the collar, John shows them who the true star really is.

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